hey, i’m kiki.
I’m an abstract photographer, events director and creative polymath living in the Cotswolds, UK with my husband and two barefooted daughters.
Creating art gives me life, it’s peaceful, it’s meditative, it’s soulful and it gives me time to rediscover the wonder and beauty that brings me deep felt childlike joy. My highest intention is to offer that same feeling of spaciousness, beauty and rest to the viewer, offering a momentary pause, a deep breath and a chance to return home to yourself again - in the moment, in your body and beyond your senses and surroundings.
get to know me, the pop quiz!
Favourite colour: White - and I'm often ridiculed for wearing so much of it!
Favourite medium: That's a close draw between oil paint and photography
Most inspiring place: Has to be the Hawaiian Islands (with a sneaky week in Paris!)
Most admired artists: Rothko, Turrell, Kapoor, Monet & Alison Watt
Personality type: INFJ , Enneagram 4 & 5 equally!
Daily escape ritual: Tending to my garden or taking hot tea outside
Daily musts: a huge kiddie cuddle first thing on waking and last thing before she sleeps. I cannot function properly without them.

In previous incarnations I’ve been a corporate sales account manager, an events business owner, a coach mentor and educator and an artistic director. But I’ve always been an artist.
As a child I was often presented with pencil and paper and it actually kept me occupied for hours. I remember scribbling on a notepad whilst lying under chairs between my parents feet.
As I grew I lost my way from time to time though. The rest of my life has been cycles of the same. I found my way into creative projects, different mediums and lovely shiny new materials only to fall back out of being creative for a while.
At the grand age of 27, after taking the same photography course three times over, I finally found something I believed and had confidence in and enrolled in the Fine Art Photography degree programme at the University of Westminster. It was there I fell in love. It was there I finally felt able to tie together all of the crazy threads of myself and put them into what became my own photographic practice and style. It was in that process I found peace.
Then after graduating I bottomed out again. I found it so hard to try to promote work that I loved in such an exclusive market. Can you even imagine life without social media? It was that.
A year after graduating I started my first business helping makers and artists promote their own work at my small events in London pubs. We started with 12 people and a £30 budget. Three years later, 200+ events down and the business had a name as one of the top two designer maker markets in London. Promoted mostly by word of mouth, by hand and on foot.

3 years later I started a new business, one of the first designer maker wedding events in London at the time. Business no.2 was bigger, more beautiful and so full of talent I was often teary eyed over the craftsmanship. We ran from London, Bristol and Cardiff twice a year and had a sister company with a large online community and yearly events to help educate wedding vendors in promoting and growing their businesses.
In 2016 my eldest daughter was born and shortly after I made the decision to sell the company to cut down my work load and give my focus to both her and my coaching and mentoring business.
Over the following 3 years I was lucky enough to mentor some incredibly talented creative, spiritual and inspirational people. I created online courses and completely burnt myself out. By summer of 2019 I felt so wiped out continuously and pulled so far away from who I was and what gave me joy I couldn’t take anymore.
So as a family we made the decision to travel - we packed up our home, all of our belongings and took to the road for possibly 3 months, 6 months a year - who knew. All I knew was that change and rest were so needed.
In January 2020 the world was taken by storm by COVID-19 whilst we were in Bali. At the end of March 2020 we returned to the UK from Hawaii a little downhearted to have cut our trip short but safe and well. Whilst away and with space to rest I made the decision to return to my art. It just naturally felt like time. I’d spent the past decade helping other people, we now have social media to find an audience (wow that makes me feel super old saying that!) and I missed being so immersed in process, in beauty, in simplicity and in something that felt like it gave me healing, peace, joy and excitement and I needed that to come back to myself, my health and the beauty of life and our world.
So here we are. 11 years, 4 buinesses, 2 free spirited children and an eternal hunt for beauty brought me home to releasing my first full abstract photographic collection since 2008 and I absolutely adore it. The work, the process, the curation - all of it has been so nourishing for my soul. My hope is that my imagery brings you the solace, the peace and the quiet beauty that helps you return back to yourself, your heart and your joy also - if only for a moment.
about me Q & a
Inspired by...
The small details, the way the shadows blend around the ceiling in the low light as I put my girls to sleep, the way petals curl around each other, the way the ocean breathes, the way her hair flows around her neck, the way the breeze feels on your skin or the wonderful smells of the air at different times of the year - even when it rains.
The small joy filled moments that make you feel alive and contented if only for that solitary moment.
Flower of choice
My mum and Nanna have always kept roses so it was always going to be the rose - but not any old rose, good, fancy old English roses. I’m also completely in awe of the Magnolia Grandiflora who’s bloom is larger than a dinner plate but only lasts one day. She’s a marvel.
Greatest achievement
Creating and sustaining my daughter. Before her I used to think it was taking my driving test or overcoming depression but surviving motherhood sinks those hands down.
Favourite motto right now
I have two that come to mind:
I choose to surrender into the perfection of this moment. A reminder to be present and allow things to just be sometimes.
Teach them creativity and they’ll become powerful creators, teach them into a system and they’ll become consumers. Creativity is the reason we flexi school our daughters.
Best tv of all time
Gotta love period dramas - Versailles was a top fave and I love Outlander. Most recent binge: The Magicians. Gotta love a spot of magic.
Things I collect
Oh all the things. I’ve always been a collector. I blame it on my family being broken at a young age and never wanting to let anything go but I always assigned meaning to small things: letters, pill boxes, random items, small treasures. Until I had a child and became a minimalist out of sheer surprise at how much stuff babies come with! So now, moments, feelings, memories, letters, books, art materials, great papers, quotes and cuddles. I also have hard drives heaving at the seams with images..